neilsthepoet blog: In the sorrow of the shadow

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

In the sorrow of the shadow

In the sorrow of the shadow

They will hurt you with rumors
They will hurt you with lies if they can
They will try to get in your way
They will try to interrupt your plan

They will say one thing to your face
And another behind your back
They are always into undermining
That is what they are and their attack

They are arrogant and spiteful
They are petty and small
They are full of deciet and conceit
And if they can't win then they stall

They are the death wish incarnate
They play to the ways of demise
They adore the score of the loser

They seek abject negativity as their prize

They will hurt whoever believes in anything
Anything that does not take its cue
From their downward spiraling flame out
They hate anything beautiful and true

They will do it everytime
They get the angle or the chance
They are dread dependency and degradation
They bring the cancer to the dance

6:33 pm
transcribed this time
6:30 pm


Blogger KASPAR said...

"They will hurt whoever believes in anything
Anything that does not take its cue
From their downward spiraling flame out"

Love it.

February 1, 2005 at 9:20 PM  

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