My Ax
I will
If nobody else will
Pick up my ax
And crash it into your shoulder
Cut right through your collar bone
Openly expose your chest cavity
And see if you’ve got a heart at home
At the end of a long day
Of taking care of shelter
And one of my favorite steeds
I’ve still got time for slaughter
Time for one more bloody deed
To hunt you down by your tracks
And put an end to the pain
Of what it means to have no dreams
To have no name in the red flames
To sound like some kind of burbling stream
That incoherently offers up the way you pray
Arrogantly presenting a challenge
Casting degradation like some boy
But these pens and swords and other tools
Are not all used as toys
I will
If nobody else will
Pick up my ax
At the end of a long day
To hunt you down by your tracks
That incoherently offer up the way you pray
And answer not in kind
With comments and common negativities
But with a flash that takes out the trash
Such as is your life and its uttered inanities
7:58 pm
written over a few days
nailz...hey let bubba sharpen that steel heart finder so i can draw the cutaway of the chosen by god to destroy our works-like da vinci.maybe we could use that wallet fattened by political "grants" to shine those mil/u.s. buttons they hate[that we earned as we learned to love that flag they hate]please let me hone[the ax] love+repect,bubba
i love your style. why have you stopped?
I have not ..... look at my profile
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