neilsthepoet blog: Everybody wants to be strong Nobody wants to work on their weaknesses

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Everybody wants to be strong Nobody wants to work on their weaknesses

I like to disagree

I like to hold a grudge
I don't like to work things out
I like to mood and brood
And cast out about a lot of doubt

Trauma drama is the best
The kind that hurts real deep
Why not everybody else does it
Why not be a creep

I don't want an honest conversation
I don't want it simple and direct
I like to look at it like you owe me
And I'm just here to collect

Oh I can be aggressive
Or be like a broken winged dove
What ever it takes to break a heart
What ever it takes to desicrate love

Look at me Look at me
Look look look at how innocent I am
Only you are the wolf in sheeps clothing
Only I am the sacred gentle lamb

It's as hard to tell who's a liar
As it is to know if the sun is hot
It's hard to know if a soul is clean
Especially one that's been recently bought

Don't come at me with that sorrowful look
Your pain gains no solice here
I won't weep for your wounded pride
And I won't drink of your bitter tears

10:47 pm
transcribed this time
12:36 am



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