neilsthepoet blog: It can't happen here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It can't happen here

We would never be invaded by illegal aliens
Without one meaningful shot
We would never return them over and over again
So they can be released and re-caught

We would never bow to the Saudis
We would never take from Chavez a book
We would never ignore North Korea
And give their sinking of ships no second look

It can't happen here
There will never be thousands of gangs
With millions of members roaming the street
Out there wilding looking for a chance to bang

We'll never be turned to Socialism
By a scum bag with a serpents tongue
Our schools will never be used and abused
To brain wash our young

There will never be so dark of night
There will never be such an evil storm
That demons will run amok
And with impunity kill the unborn

They would never put on trial
Three SEALs some of America's best
What Jag Off would take such an order
Would subject honorable men to such

An abjectly detestable test


It could never happen here
It could never happen here
The sun will always shine
The way will always be clear

But fear can be a good thing
It whispers in our ear
It tells us to ready ourselves
It tells us something is very near

For it is not that we are afraid when even
Truth must face those who would doubt it
And even if the earth itself does tremble
We must ask ourselves

What ragged and weary worn heart
Will still rise to to do something about it

9:00 am
transcribed this time
6"38 pm



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