neilsthepoet blog: Where would you be

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Where would you be

If the world all ended tonight
Would a guitar be ringing in your head
Or would you just flat out be freakin
That here you are layed out on your death bed

If the world all ended tonight
Would you fly up to the stars and moon
Or would you be silently screaming
It wasn't supposed to be this soon


Oh yeah what if you're not ready
Oh yeah what if you don't want to go
What you gonna do about it then
Won't that be one helleva show

Oh yeah what if you're not ready
When the ocean floor gives way and deepins
Oh what .... are .... you gonna do
When that cold cold darkness comes a creepin



If the world all ended tonight
Would there be any music in your soul
Would there be any wings there for you
To lift up beyond all this struggle for control

Or would you be left tryin to cry out
All the tears that you ever held back
Bargaining for just a tiny bit more time
To figure how one loses when the deck is stacked


Repeat chorus:


Oh yeah
Where would you be
If the world all ended tonight

Oh yeah
Where would you be
If the world all ended tonight

Song ends with a guitar ringing
Music steady and strong then fading

To waves coming in ashore
And then the sound of cards being shuffled,
Dealt.............then silence.

8:37 pm


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