neilsthepoet blog: I don't know

Friday, April 15, 2005

I don't know

I don't know what it is
You want from me

Do you want me to roll over on my back
And put my legs in the air in complete submission
Do you think I ought to apologize in case some one
Misinterpreted by their own thought ommission

Do you want me to get down on my knees at the
Hint of any female disapproval regardless of cause
Do you think I ought to shakingly flinch at the
Slightist movement toward anyone bearing their claws

I don't know know what it is
You want from me

I can not remove from you all lingering doubt
Somethings have to be done by oneself
Somethings are unto each their own soul journey
And not up to what we think of someone else

As for me....

I'm just dancing out here in the sky and rain
I'm just running with wolves out in the hills
I'm just out here howling at the moon
For all the thrills kills

and female dangerous ones
That know the primitiveness it takes
To give one of our kinds heart the chills

9:43 pm
transcribed this time
10:12 pm


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