neilsthepoet blog: Yes there are primal screams in some of my dreams

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Yes there are primal screams in some of my dreams

Guns fun
Drinkin thinkin
And Leather Jackets

I’ve done it with my heart
I’ve done it with my soul
I’ve done it in the name of love
I’ve done it in the name of Rock N Roll

I’ve worn a leather jacket
I’ve been drunk a time or two
But I’ve always owned up
To the hard core one true view

I’ve carried a rifle and a knife
And grenades as well
I’ve stood sweat soaked in fear
And stared straight into the gates of Hell

I’ve been rescued by angels
I’ve laughed with good men in my time
I’ve been humbled by natures beauty
And the wonders of an intelligent mind

I’ve pushed the boundaries
And I’ve been pushed back
I’ve seen it raining steel and pain
I’ve done my best to weather the attacks

And I still like to dance
I like to sing my song
And I still like to be around those
Who at least sometimes think

I kind of at least slightly belong

8:15 pm
transcribed this time
8:21 pm


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