Oh you are so tough
All you are is talk
You ain't about nuthin
Especially walkin the walk
God you're a cry baby
You need to get a pair
You know damn well
You're not about bein fair
You got to wrangle and angle
You need a spiritual crutch
Only a break down clown would
Whine about being put upon so much
Is this all you've got
Is this really your very best
This lousy step and fetch it act
About constantly being oppressed
Grow up and face the truth
You get what you put out
Everybody's got their troubles
Everybody's got their fears and doubt
You don't get a hall pass
You don't get a free ride
Man you need to get some class
And quit hidin behind your pride
Because values only count
As much as we dare to live
And there's only as much understanding
As each of us dare to give
12:15 am
transcribed this time
11:47 am