neilsthepoet blog: August 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I can leave it alone for a while

But there are no free shots
There are no free push arounds
Without somebody getting hurt
Somebody getting taken down

There are no free rides
There is no free beer
Eventually we pay for it
Even if it's with tears

There is no free gas
There is no free rock and roll
Somewhere somebody pays for it
Even if it's with part of their soul

9:52 am
transcribed this time
10:00 am

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I sleeep in a leather jacket
Laying at the foot of the bed
And dreams of the frozen chosen
Go dancing through my head

I'm partially beneath a comforter
Two kittens are also there
I'm writing with a penlight
About a night that's cruel but fair

Shadows playing upon the wall
Shining through reddened fingers
The flesh still clings to bone
And the memories still linger

I will sleep alone tonight
And pay the hermitage price
I'm glad to be inside
Outside the wind is ice

I've got pieces of paper
And an old trusty pen
There seems no way to quit
Till exhaustion settles in

Somewhere out one dog barks
As the rituals abound
I feel a slight stirring
I hear a purring sound

about 1993
Transcribed this time
2:02 pm
From the chap book Blood Read
Copyright 1994
