neilsthepoet blog: August 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A cold front in July

A cold front in July

I don’t know where that came from
I don’t know what it was about
But honesty wasn’t anywhere in there
And of that I have no doubt

I treated you with respect
I talked to you open and true
And then the next thing I know
I’m talking to a completely different you

I don’t know if it was rumor and gossip
Or what it was that brought the change
But I don’t like being made uncomfortable
By some needless passive aggressive game

You could have simply said something
That was considerate thoughtful and polite
There are other ways of doing things
That don’t wind it all up tight

I don’t know what your problem is
Maybe you haven’t gotten over your X
I know I’ve been through some experiences
That left me feeling like a living walking car wreck

And situations can stun you
Make you feel totally out of place
But still we all have some obligation
To try to conduct ourselves with grace

12:53 pm
transcribed this time
7:13 pm


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Charles Winans

Charles Winans

Will always be a young man
Even though he says he’s getting old
He’d still shot gun you down if your
Stupid got to bein too pushy and bold

He’ll always be dressed in his leathers
Even though he mainly now wears over-alls
He’s faced down crazy Tex Watson
But also beautiful women have been left

Sweaty and enthralled

He’s got a tile mural down on The River
He’ll always be Charles El Wino and Chazz
He’ll always be that long distance rider
That can spin a tale of wonder and razz-a-ma-tazz


He’s been way down in the grit and grime
He’ll always be the flower child with a knife
A man who’s lived it mainly on his own terms
A man who’s walked it knowin it was his own life

He’s been dumped on cheated and lied about
He’s been turned on by so called friends
But he took it upon himself long long ago
That his word was good and good to the end

He loves his dogs and his woman
He even loves his ratty ol place
And I suppose he’d have been a lot more accepted
If he’d just not insisted so hard on

Integrity talent and grace

2:50 pm
transcribed this time
6:17 pm
